About Me

My name is Paul, and I'm the founder and creator of Intelli.Jet.

I've been an aviation fan since I was 9 years old after I took my first flight on holiday with my parents. It was November 1980, we flew from Birmingham (UK) to Tenerife (Spain). It was snowing in Birmingham, but when we arrived in Tenerife less than 5 hours later, it was over 90 degrees! That blew my mind because I found it fascinating to see and feel the difference a few hours flying can make, I'm now 51 and I've been into aviation ever since.

I'm the kind of person that likes to do at least one good deed every day, and hopefully make a difference to someone's day or life in a positive way. That's one of the reasons I created Intelli.Jet. My mission is to make the lives of people looking to fly privately, easier. I've worked in aviation on and off for a number of years, both for a cargo airline and a VIP operator. I worked in operations on both counts and found it hard work, but great fun.

My family have always been a main focus in my life, and every day they're with me makes me appreciate them that little bit more.

Currently I have a full-time job as a vehcile delivery driver, working mainly for Jaguar Land Rover, but other manufacturers too and that sees me travelling all over the UK on a daily basis. However, I aim to become self employed in the future and tend to this side of my life within the aviation industry as I find it far more enjoyable and rewarding.

That gives a little bit of my background and I very much look forward to working with you. So thanks for reading and checking out my website and service.